Law Enforcement

City of Meriden, CT Police Department
The Meriden Police Departments primary function is to provide law enforcement services to the community, enforce traffic and noise regulations, investigate crimes, assist victims of crime, and maintain law and order throughout the city.  We are staffed around the clock and officers are deployed in marked and unmarked cruisers, bicycles, motorcycles, ATVs and on foot.

The Meriden Police Department’s motto “Working in partnership with the community” is demonstrated by our partnership with the Meriden Council of Neighborhoods.  We encourage all residents to take an active part in your community by joining your Neighborhood Associations.  Visit the Council of Neighborhoods website for more information.

Alcohol Justice
The alcohol industry watchdog agency that promotes evidence-based public health policies and organizes campaigns with diverse communities and youth against the alcohol industry’s harmful practices.

Office of National Drug Control Policy

Prevention strategies, programs, tools, and resources that may be useful to law enforcement professionals